miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2008

All Day Research Session

The team met yesterday in the Capstone laboratory to do research on how to make our Parking surveillance system. We discovered that we need to use IP cameras to be able to receive video wirelessly by using the IP of the camera in the software.

We checked out prices of the cameras and solar cells to power them. The cameras were quite expensive (most were above $200) so we may have to limit our prototype to 3 cameras to save money in the project budget.

We also spent the entire day researching motion detectors but were unable to find out detailed information on how to create one for the project. We are thinking of designing an additional device that works in conjunction to the parking security system which we can design.

1 comentario:

Fernando dijo...

I'd like to see the specs of the cameras. As I told one of you this morning, the capstone course academic requirements needs projects that include design of hardware and software. If you just install the cameras and they transmit the images to a server, it looks like you are going to design just the software for managing the images. Designing or connecting the solar power system for the cameras isn't enough for the requirements of the course.